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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Child's Play

     You all know the format. Unkillable slasher takes pray on the stupid and innocent. The keyword in that last sentence is stupid. Characters in horror movies are always stupid. They run up stairs into a locked closet to escape a killer when instead they could run out side and go to the police.

            Well this movie takes the cake for stupid people. The main character (other then the killer doll) is six-year-old kid. He out smarts his mother and police detective by miles when he fights the killer doll as opposed to his litany of ignorant victims.

            What are you talking about you ask. I’ll tell you. My latest flick was intended to bring my movie GPA down. Well guess what it succeed. The movie was full of hokey music, it had a out pouring of overacting and it was brimming with stupidity.

            The plot is fairly simple. The sole of a vicious murderer is transferred into and innocent looking doll. The doll runs havoc on the family who brought it and the police detective who tracked him down.

            The other things that are simple in this movie are the characters. Take one divorced mother with a bratty kid, throw a handsome police detective to protect her, toss in a partner who doesn’t believe them until the end and mix with as always doubting physiologist who wants to prove his theory.

Who lives and who dies? You have to sit through this 87 minutes horror flick to find out.  I would not recommend this though.

Grade C. C for Chucky.

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A note from an editor!

Hi Matthew,

Thank you for the time and effort you put into this piece, especially on a Saturday morning. I can tell you definitely took good notes of everything that was going on during the event!

We still have some work to do before this piece is ready to print. Your piece has a lot of information, but it doesn’t sound like a news article. What was the point of his speech/presentation? Why was he addressing this audience? What is Vanguard? What does the company do – who does it serve? You spend a lot of time narrating (for example, how he was injured), but did not report on the purpose of the event. You can maybe mention his appearance/joking about it in a sentence or two, but do not take several paragraphs to do so. Also, I like how you mentioned where the name “Vanguard” comes from.

There are a lot of spelling errors in this piece – make sure you proof read each sentence carefully.

I know I am getting back to you a little later I hoped, and I’m sorry about that! But if you have time tonight, please go through my suggestions and try to rework your piece. You can send me what you have tonight/tomorrow morning. Please bring a copy of it to the meeting tomorrow and we will discuss it further from there.

Once again, thanks for your hard work and promptness! Remember this is a learning process, and we are all part of the Waltonian team!

Talk to you soon!

Ten Most pathetic movie stars that still have careers.

(In A - B -C Order)

1. Hayden Christensen

2. Tom Crusie

3. Kevin Costner

4. Keeanu Reeves

5. Denise Richards

6. Adam Sandler

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger

8. William Shatner

9. Sylvester Stalloan

10. John Claude Van dahm